Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Create your own coloring book pages

My daughter loves to color, well actually she loves to scribble. She displays her artistry in coloring books, on blank paper, with special crayons in the bathtub, or on our rug (which would be a real issue if I actually liked the one we have.) So, I thought I'd make her special coloring book pages featuring her favorite person in the world, her! She was not as thrilled as I expected, but her Aunt DeeDee LOVED the idea and colored the pages to perfection.

Finished Coloring Book Page
And this is how I did it...
Step 1. Pick out a picture and open it in Photoshop
Step 2. Duplicate the original layer - 
right click the background layer and click on the duplicate layer option
Step 3. Desaturate the photo
Image - Adjustments - Desaturate
The image will be converted to black and white
Step 4. Duplicate the desaturated layer 
Step 5. Invert the new layer
Image - Adjustments - Invert
Your image will now look Craaaazy
Step 6. Add a color dodge to your Craaaazy layer
Layers- scroll to color dodge
Your Image will now vanish - Ta Dah! Don't be scared, though, we'll get it back

Step 7. Add a Filter: Gaussian Blur
Filter - Blur - Gaussian Blur
Your image is really starting to look like a coloring book page!
Step 8. Pick your favorite coloring book filter level
Using the Gaussian Filter Tool pick the best look for your page, here I chose 28 
Step 9. Flatten Your Image
Or you can call it a day here and just print your coloring book page
If you are a perfectionist - Flatten the Image
Step 10. If you are anal and the little dots bother you, use the eraser tool to clean up the image

All done and Colored in by Aunt DeeDee

And just for comparison: This is Baby T's artwork. 
Maybe she'll appreciate this more when she is older!  


  1. Love it. Now I want to do it for my niece. I'm pretty sure T will get better at it with such a creative mama! Yay for the blog. - F

  2. http://www2.crayola.com/play-zone/splash/us/lcc/index.htm

  3. oh but you need an access code from inside a crayon box. that's annoying!

    1. check out my comment below, I found a free online alternative!

  4. For those who don't have photoshop (and want a free online alternative) I found a blog that gives instructions to an online editing tool called pixlr.com, check out the blog here-- http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-Make-a-Coloring-Book/-- the steps are pretty similar to my Photoshop tutorial and the results are also pretty awesome!
