Monday, September 30, 2013

Easy Crockpot Chili

Before leaving to work, one day last week, I threw together a quick crockpot chili. It was pretty easy and I recommend this as a go-to meal. It is very simple to make adjustments to the recipe based on your family’s preferences and I suggest using your favorite veggies as added substance.  If your kid is picky it is also a good way to trick them into eating some new veggies, everything tastes the same when it’s been cooking all day! 

Baby T really enjoyed the chili, especially the beans and the mess she made eating. Good thing I got her naked first, it saved an outfit, literally, as the mess was not even simple to wash off of her skin!  

Here is how I made the chili –

1lb chopped meat - browned
1 large onion – diced
1 yellow pepper – diced
1 can of kidney bean – 15oz drained
1 can of small red beans -15oz drained
1 can of tomato paste – 12oz
1 can of crushed tomatoes – 14oz
1 large can of diced tomatoes – 28oz
2 tbsp of crushed garlic
2 tbsp of brown sugar
1 packet of Ortega taco seasoning
Salt and pepper to taste

The night before I browned the chopped meat and chopped the veggies, because if you are making a crockpot meal to begin with, it means there just isn’t enough time in your day!

The next morning, I threw all of the ingredients in the crockpot and cooked it on low – for a long time. The chili would be good in as little as 6 hours, but unfortunately my work day is longer than that**.  I usually leave it in the crockpot on low from 8am-6pm but this past week my husband didn’t get home from work until after 9:30pm and it was still good!   
The finished product! MMmmmm... 
**As a side note – here is a short vent about crockpot recipes on Pintrest. What good is a crockpot recipe to me that cooks between 4-6hours? I am out of the house for 9 hours a day. Please start to post recipes that fit into my schedule because I would totally make some of them!! In the meantime I will be experimenting and sharing what works…  

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