Monday, October 7, 2013

Drizzly Sunday Activity: World of Wings

Before the butterfly "attacked" Daddy

Yesterday my family met up with friends and went to World of Wings in Teaneck, NJ. It was super convenient to get there from the city and was the perfect activity for a damp Sunday. The staff was super friendly and there were loads to do. We would have spent the entire day there if it was up to Toddler T.

The butterfly atrium was super cute; there are lots of beautiful butterflies that T was petrified of, and a cute little koi fish area that had turtles that T loved. She has a thing for Fishies, though.  If you ask her what her favorite animal is, she will respond… Fishies, umanuumee. It is a bit confusing to love fish and also eat them for dinner sometimes. Truthfully usually when we take her to see animals – it doesn't mean the zoo, it means to Petco around our corner and she spends a majority of her time with the fishies.

I think one day Toddler T will yell at me for this one, but I literally can not help myself. I crack up every single time I look at this. It is perfection...  

Back to my point, World of Wings is much more than a butterfly atrium. If your kid is under 5 years old going to this place is totally worth it. There is a GIANT soft play area. It includes a rock climbing area, ball pit, dress up, slides, cars, train sets. You can literally spend the day there exhausting your kid so they sleep well at night. T is a terrible sleeper and she was knocked out last night, ahhh the sign of a good Sunday!

Happy again!

Generally the cost is $16 per adult and $11 per kid. T is under 2 so she was Free! But here is the best part – for a very limited time- Groupon has World of Wings half off!!

There is also a $2 coupon on the website if you miss the groupon deal.

If you are planning a trip to Northern NJ, include this gem in your adventures! 

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