Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Tripod Rock Hike!

We are so strong! 
This Sunday is supposed to be 65 degrees and sunny, my family considers that to be perfect hiking weather. So I wanted to share with you a pretty awesome hike we went on in late august. The hike is called Tripod Rock and it is located on Pyramid Mountain in Boonton, NJ. The hike is less than an hour from the city, which is our limit with Toddler T because she hates the car but loves the great outdoors. 

We went on this hike with lots of adults and T was the only kiddy. That was the perfect adult to toddler ratio because we don’t own a kiddy hiking transport system so all 6 of us took turns carrying T.  I brought along two sarongs to assist me in holding T and they actually really did help, but it was still nice to let someone else carry her throughout the hike.  If your kids are 4+ they can walk the trail and climb on their own with minimal help, under that age you definitely need a larger adult to kid ratio.

When you first arrive there is a super cute indoor area with a small exhibit, coloring station, helpful staff and a nice bathroom! One of the exhibits pieces showed samples of animal poop and you had to match it to the correct animal. My family loved it, super typical!
Exhibit and coloring station.
The hike we went on included Tripod rock and Lucy’s overlook. It took us about 3 hours, but that is with a toddler, lots of stopping and a lunch break. The trail was moderate, not boring at all, included lots of climbing and definitely do-able. We loved how nicely the trail was marked off, there were markers every few trees and we never worried that we were going to get lost.

Here is the website we found that helped us plan our hike and if you place the coordinates N40 56.820 W74 23.268 into you can get easy directions.

The best part is that there is no cost at all, there is a small donation box and if you have a great time you can show your appreciation that way. Happy Hiking!  

Tri State Area, Free, Ages 4+, Adventure-full 

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