Thursday, October 10, 2013

Ridiculously Easy Pumpkin Muffins

Look how moist! I ate this one piping hot. 

My Mother-in-law is responsible for this amazing creation. There are 2 ingredients, that is right, 2! And I try to always have these 2 things in my cabinet as a go-to. Let’s say it is Friday morning and I get a last minute Shabbat meal invite…oh no! no time to really go shopping or cook-- well hello, handy dandy pumpkin muffin recipe. So I tell my friend, of course we would love to come, can we bring anything along? How about some lovely pumpkin muffins?

So here it is…
1 box of spice cake mix** (just the powder, not the created batter)
1 can of pumpkin 14oz, we like Libby’s 100% pure pumpkin

**(if you can not find pareve spice cake you can use a yellow cake mix and add 1 tsp ground cinnamon, 1/2 tsp ground nutmeg, 1/4 tsp ground ginger and 1/4 tsp allspice - that is actually what I did in this batch.) 

Mix the 2 ingredients together and plop into cupcake liners (make sure your plopping looks kinda nice, because they tend to look the same after cooking)
Heat oven to 350 and cook for 15-18 minutes, my oven kind of sucks so it varies.

You can choose not to believe me, I was also a skeptic at first and refused to believe my mother-in-law. I must have called her 3 times to make sure I don’t also add the oil, eggs and water first before the pumpkin.

That is it, and now for the best part, no raw eggs so you can eat the batter!! This recipe usually yields 16 muffins, but when I make it I end up eating at least 1 muffin’s worth of batter. Yummanuum! 

Before cooking, please note the missing muffin batter.
Fresh out of the oven and I've already eaten one.

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