Friday, February 28, 2014

Pretty Easy Fancy Desserts: In Honor of My New Nephew

I have a new nephew! In honor of his birth his proud parents are making a small party for him tonight called a shalom zachorI wanted to make something festive, decorative and yummy for his welcoming that is also easy to transport... so I made chocolate and sprinkle coated marshmallow pops and chocolate cover pretzels. They were not too hard and look O-So-Pretty.

Here is how you too can impress your family and friends.

Fancy Marshmallow Pops
-Lollipop sticks
-White chocolate chips
-Food coloring

Prep by placing the marshmallows onto the lollipop sticks. This is really simple because the marshmallows are sticky! One of the things I hate about cake pops is trying to get the cake-ball to just stay on the *&#! stick.

Then melt your white chocolate according to the package instructions or be lazy like me and nuke em. I also microwave chocolate on about half power and continuously mix until it is melted. Once the chocolate is melted add food coloring. Then dip your marshmallow and sprinkle away.

Here is a hint - if you are having issues with your chocolate not being as melty and easy to work with as you would like - ADD OIL. Use only canola or vegetable and add a drip at a time until the chocolate is workable. After coating the marshmallows I added more oil to my chocolate mix to thin it out enough so I could place it into a plastic baggie with a tiny hole cut into the side for writing and decorating.

Once you dip, leave the marshmallows to dry on wax paper or a surface that they wont stick to. Wait for them to dry fully and enjoy!

Chocolate Covered Pretzels 
-Pretzel rods
-White chocolate
-Food coloring
To prep, take the pretzels out of the bag. Then melt your white chocolate and add food coloring like you would for the marshmallow pops. Coat the pretzels, I like to use a spoon and load the pretzels up and then scrap off the extra chocolate. Dry on wax paper so you can easily remove the sticks once they cool down.

As I stated above for the decorating and writing add extra oil to your chocolate so it is easier to work with. To make this design I used my left over light blue and added more blue food coloring and oil to the mix, I also needed to microwave it a tad longer so it would remelt. I cut a tiny hole in a small baggie and filled it with chocolate and decorated away.
My disposable decorating bag!
It's too bad my new nephew can't take part in devouring these treats, luckily for him I think his two older siblings and many cousins will eat enough for him too.

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