Monday, February 3, 2014

Snow Day Snowmen

It is snowing, again. Ugh. It was nice the first time and even the second time, but now it is just getting old. Maybe I would be more thrilled if I didn't have work, but commuting in this weather is the worst. 

Last time we had a lot of snow I left work early and did arts and crafts with T. I found some tissue paper laying around and cut it up into little squares. We crumpled some of the tissue paper up and left some paper flat and got busy gluing our snowmen into existence.  I actually made big circles of glue and let T add the squares and then we layered the glue to make the snowmen look fuller. You can use any background, or glue together paper for a larger canvas like we did. Then it is time to add some personality. You can cut up some colored paper into hats, faces, brooms etc. The blue adornments on our project are actually crafted out of the blue wall-safe painting tape because it was laying out :) This project was super easy and kept us busy for a very long time!! 

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