Monday, January 27, 2014

Duck Tape Design

If you enlarge this photo you can see the duck tape ridges.
T has lots and lots of books. Even though we have really cute shelving in the living room and two classic shelves in T’s bedroom there always seem to be books spread about. My parents were visiting recently and my mom told me I should put some of the scattered books in a box because our tiny apartment looks messy when anything is out of place. I found a sturdy old shoe box , filled it up some books and set it on a shelf that T could reach. After a week of staring at the ugly shoe box I decided it had to be covered up with something. Duck Tape to the rescue! This project was super easy and made the shoebox totally displayable. Check out all the patterns you can choose from at I picked this pattern up 40% of at Michael's and still have enough tape left to cover up a few more boxes! 

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