Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Homemade clumpable sand

This is sand is totally awesome and you can really build a castle with it!
I am in the midst of planning T’s 2nd birthday party, and I love planning parties even more than going to one. T is obsessed with the Raffi song Baby Beluga so this year’s theme is “under the sea.”  I always like to have a kid activity so this year I was going to make a sand table for the kids to play with, it was going to include cute shovels and sea creatures. It was going to be very entertaining and it was going to be very cute and it was going to take place on a giant plastic table cloth so I could just toss the mess. Was is the key word, the following project is a BLAST but I will never ever be trying it indoors again. I suggest you pin this and save it for the warm weather when you can mix up a batch of sand and bring it to the park, and then after hours of fun you get to leave the mess behind. That is what I am going to do this spring. In the mean time I will be coming up with a much cleaner b-day project!

You can make as much sand as you would like. Last night I only made 2 cups of sand and that tiny amount kept T busy for a long time!

--1/4 cup baby oil for every 2 cups of whole wheat flour--
You can use canola, but it won’t smell as good and you can use regular flour, but I won't look like sand.
Mix the oil into the flour slowly while you mix/ crumple with your hands until you are satisfied with the consistency. You want it to clump but still fall apart...  and then vvvwaala, instant clumpable sand!  
Glitter is optional- it will look pretty awesome, but is just more mess for later.

At first T played beautifully with the sand and kept it nice and contained on the table cloth. At this point I was thinking- the kids at the party are going to LOVE this!

Once the foot action started up I got slightly concerned and got T undressed so her clothing wouldn't get gross.
I left the room for 1 minute, I swear, just 1!

T loved how the sand felt so decided to style her hair with it, I was literally washing clumps of dough from her hair in the tub! 

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