Thursday, January 23, 2014

Happy Birthday T! Memories of last year's Cake Smash

Last night I decided to look up when T’s Hebrew birthday falls this year, and I’m sure glad I did because it is today. Happy Hebrew Birthday to my sweet, smart, cunning and hysterical big girl, T!

When T woke up this morning I sang her the Hebrew version on Happy Birthday, Yom Huledet Sameach, and then she immediately asked me for cake. Woops, I guess she already associates cake with her birthday. The association is also probably my fault because last year as soon as T’s birthday rolled around I made her a cake smash! Cake smashes have become increasingly popular and are taking Facebook by storm. Most people hire professional photographers to buy the cake, set up and area, take the photos and clean up the mess- but we did it ourselves. It is a good thing that my husband is used to my crazy by now. He was a really good sport and a big help during the cake smash festivities. If you work together with a partner and own a decent camera – you too can pull off your own cake smash!
A few days before the smash I bought fabric from a store near work for $10. The fabric worked as a perfect background and also helped contain some of the mess.  The night before the festivities began I baked a cake – heavy on the frosting. Next time I do this I will use a whipped cream frosting so there is even more mess!

I set the fabric up by taping it to the wall and floor and set the cake up in the middle. I was slightly insane and even ironed the fabric a little. This was the first and last time I’ve used my iron in the 6+ years I’ve been married. I don’t have professional lighting so I gathered all the lamps in my apartment and set them up along the fabric. I then brought T out to start the smash party!

It didn’t go exactly according the plan. T had never had cake before that day and wasn’t really sure what to make of her surroundings. She ended up poking the cake for a good 10 minutes before Daddy showed her how to dig in. As soon as T shoved her arm into the cake and tasted it she was hooked. The following Sunday at her birthday party she lunged at her birthday cake because she thought she was supposed to smash that one too!  Woops. She is now sweets obsessed, hence this morning’s cake request and last night’s begging for a chocolate milk bottle before bedtime (Don’t worry, I said no- and didn’t cave). I snapped a million photos and some video and we all had the best time. And of course, the mess did not stay contained as hoped. T likes to shake and clap and she loved watching the cake fly everywhere.

I then used photoshop to create a cake smash template to use for a canvas print. It is 20”X20”. This was probably the hardest part of the entire project and I am happily sharing it with you now, it is at the end of the post. If you want me to send you the original PNG or photoshop doc of the template, I will but you will have to start following my blog and leave a comment with your email address and which version you would like. If you know anything about photoshop you should be able to use it. Just crop your photos to fit in the openings and you are done! I also like the idea of including a box or three of text, which is what I did.
If you are a photoshop novice here is a quick tutorial. Load the template into photoshop. I think blogspot will convert this one out of its original PNG format so you then need to use the magic wand tool to remove the white boxes. The image will also download at a much smaller resolution. You will want to click on Image then Image Size and reset your resolution to at least 250/300 before you start adding your photos.You should then use the paint bucket tool to recolor the template to match your photos. I find the best way to get a color you like it to use the eyedropper tool to pick up a color from an actual photo. You will then need to load each individual cake smash photo into the program and crop it to size. Copy and paste each cropped photo into the template over the holes. Lastly move the template to the top of the layers list so it hides all the mess and makes the design look stream lined. Let me know if you can’t follow the above directions and I’ll try to help you out! 

I still think a cake smash is the perfect way to celebrate your little love’s first birthday and introduce them to a world of sweets. Now that T is 2 we will be celebrating with lots of messy projects and yummy treats at her upcoming Bday party!
Click on the template to open it in the larger screen and then save the image from there.

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